Valparaiso, IN

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Find Top Financial Advisors in Valparaiso, Indiana

There are hundreds of financial professionals in your area. However, choosing the right advisor that understands your financial situation and meets your needs may be quite daunting. WiserAdvisor has a network of vetted financial advisors and advisory firms and has listed them below. You can find the details of each advisor, such as their qualifications, service offerings, etc., that you could use while searching for the financial advisor that best suits your financial and investment goals.

We have been in business for the last 2 decades and constantly update and maintain a highly trusted directory of vetted fiduciary advisors that meet rigorous standards.

Finding the Top Financial Advisor in Valparaiso, Indiana

Last Updated - May 13, 2024

Valparaiso has 3 WiserAdvisor vetted Financial Planners and Advisors on the online list below for you to choose from. These financial advisors in Valparaiso, Indiana have an average of 28 years of experience.

NOTE: The list of vetted financial advisors in Valparaiso, Indiana mentioned below does not include all the advisors in our network due to their compliance listing restrictions. More vetted advisors may be available when you use our free match service to compare financial advisors near you in Valparaiso, Indiana.

Qualified Financial Advisors in Valparaiso, Indiana

Financial Advisor Experience AUM Minimum Assets Fee Structure
Wesley Kotys
1111 Glendale Blvd.,
Suite 105,
Valparaiso, IN 46383
21 Years Not Specified $500,000 Fee-Only
Savant Wealth Management
4040 N. Lincoln Ave,
Chicago, IL 60618
35 Years $0 Not Specified Fee-Only
Allworth Financial
2610 Lake Cook Road Suite 250,
Riverwoods, IL 60015
Not Disclosed $10,000,000,000 Not Specified Fee-Based

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Information on Qualified Financial Advisors in Valparaiso, Indiana

Qualifications CRD# 4051934
Firm CRD# 168156

Compensation/Fee Fee-Only, Based on Assets

Office Location 1111 Glendale Blvd.,
Suite 105,
Phone Number 219-465-6924

Wesley Kotys is a Valparaiso, IN Fee-Only Financial Planner serving Northwest Indiana and all surrounding areas. Kotys Wealth Professionals specializes in providing holistic financial planning to help clients build, manage, grow, and protect their assets through life's transitions. Wesley Kotys is a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Professional. As Founder and CEO of Kotys Wealth Professionals, Wesley (Wes) Kotys brings over 20 years of financial planning and investment management experience to the firm. Wes is also intricately involved in the firms day-to-day business, managing investment models and conducting research utilizing our highly disciplined rules-based process. Prior to launching The Kotys Group in 2007, Wes spent nearly a decade with major broker-dealers, such as Prudential Financial and Edward Jones. At Edward Jones, he had one of the fastest growing offices in the country. A second generation financial adviser, Wes was also in the top 10% of all financial advisors associated with LPL from 2012-2013. As an accomplished speaker and financial educator, Wes has received national and regional awards as a financial advisor. He is also very involved in the community and believes strongly in giving back. Wes attended Purdue University and graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. He believes strongly in continuing education and has earned the following certifications and accreditations:
Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS®)
Series 66 Uniform Securities Agent/Registered Investment Advisor
Life and Health Insurance

About Kotys Wealth Professionals

Kotys Wealth Professionals

At Kotys Wealth Professionals everything we do is focused on you and your goals. Our first order of business is taking the time to get to know you - what you want for yourself and your family, your appetite for risk, your plans for the future. With that foundation set, we then educate you, guide you and provide you with financial strategies that will help you accomplish your goals. We see money as a tool to help you realize your dreams and reach a higher purpose with your wealth. We invite you to contact us at 219-465-6924 for a no-cost initial meeting where you can experience how Kotys Wealth Professionals work as a Registered Investment Advisor.

Advisory Services Provided:

Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Risk Management, Financial Planning for Individuals, Financial Planning for Businesses, Tax Advice and Services, Estate Planning & Trusts

Qualifications Firm CRD# 107271

Compensation/Fee Fee-Only, Based on Assets

Office Location 4040 N. Lincoln Ave,
Phone Number 773-697-9528

About Savant Wealth Management

Savant Wealth Management

Our independent status is unique. It allows us to remain impartial in our advice and serve our clients in a fiduciary capacity. We accrue no benefit from brokerage services, commissions, finder fees, or product sales of any kind. We integrate the planning, investment, and tax disciplines to maximize after-tax wealth and align our clients assets with their ideal vision of the future. Savant has consistently received local and national recognition.

Advisory Services Provided:

Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Money Management, Education Funding and Planning, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Financial Planning for Businesses, Investment Advice & Management, Legal Advice and Services, Estate Planning & Trusts

Qualifications Firm CRD# 111167

Compensation/Fee Fee-Based

Office Location 2610 Lake Cook Road Suite 250,
Phone Number 888-242-6766

About Allworth Financial

Allworth Financial

Allworth Financial has been providing transparent, straightforward, and honest financial advice to individuals and families for more than 26 years. They are a fiduciary, fee-based firm that focuses on helping people achieve financial confidence. The advisors at Allworth are not salespeople, so their sole interest is providing the recommendations and advice people need to hear. During your free consultation, the advisor will listen to your goals, answer your questions, and lay out a series of next steps for success.

Advisory Services Provided:

Retirement Planning, Tax Advice and Services, Estate Planning & Trusts

Customer Reviews

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Top Financial Advisor Firms in Valparaiso, Indiana (Ranked by AUM)

Firm Name No. of Advisors No. of Clients AUM Fee Structure
1111 Glendale Blvd, Suite 105, Valparaiso, IN 46383
5 695 $188,995,881
196 E 112 S, Valparaiso, IN 46383
3 816 $120,592,318
A Percentage of AUM, Hourly charges, Fixed Fees

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Financial advisors in Indiana can be paid in various ways. Some advisors can charge fees based on a percentage of assets under management or a flat fee for their services. Alternatively, Some advisors use a combination of commissions and fees or earn solely earn commissions by selling financial products. It's important to understand the compensation structure of your financial advisor to ensure transparency and manage potential conflicts of interest. To learn more about financial advisor fees and the factors affecting them, explore the costs of hiring a financial advisor.

    Financial advisors in Indiana can offer a wide range of financial services including retirement planning, investment management, wealth management, estate planning, and more. By understanding your individual goals and financial situation, they can assist you in crafting a personalized financial plan and provide ongoing support as your needs evolve. By clicking on the "View full profile" button of any vetted financial advisor listed on our Indiana directory, you can access detailed information about their services, fees, credentials, and more.

    How often you should meet with your financial advisor in Indiana may depend on your specific financial situation and goals. For complex finances, you may need to meet with your financial advisor weekly or monthly, while for those with regular income and simpler investments, quarterly or annual meetings may be enough. Your advisor can assist in determining the suitable meeting frequency based on your circumstances. Read on to learn more about how often you should meet with your advisor.

    Yes, financial advisors in Indiana are typically required to have qualifications that comply with state and federal regulations, such as holding licenses as investment advisor representatives (IARs) and often having credentials such as Certified Financial Planners (CFP), Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), Chartered Financial Consultants (ChFC), and more. They may also be required to register with the Indiana Securities Division or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), depending on their services and the amount of assets they manage. Advisors must also adhere to a fiduciary standard, which means they must act in the best interests of their clients.

    To choose a trustworthy financial advisor in Indiana, we recommend using the free financial advisor match tool to connect with pre-screened and vetted advisors who meet your specific needs. Additionally, seek recommendations from trusted individuals, conduct thorough research using respected regulatory bodies like FINRA and the SEC to ensure adherence to industry standards and ethics, and carefully evaluate each advisor's experience, credentials, and background before making a decision. For further information, you can refer to our guide on how to use BrokerCheck to evaluate a financial advisors credentials.

    How often you should review your financial plan with your advisor in Indiana may depend on your specific situation and financial goals. For complex finances, you may need to meet with your financial advisor weekly or monthly, while for those with regular income and simpler investments, quarterly or annual meetings may be enough. Your advisor can assess your circumstances and help determine the appropriate frequency for reviewing your financial plan. Read on to learn more about how often you should meet with your advisor.