Mystic, CT

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Find Top Financial Advisors in Mystic, Connecticut

There are hundreds of financial professionals in your area. However, choosing the right advisor that understands your financial situation and meets your needs may be quite daunting. WiserAdvisor has a network of vetted financial advisors and advisory firms and has listed them below. You can find the details of each advisor, such as their qualifications, service offerings, etc., that you could use while searching for the financial advisor that best suits your financial and investment goals.

We have been in business for the last 2 decades and constantly update and maintain a highly trusted directory of vetted fiduciary advisors that meet rigorous standards.

Finding the Top Financial Advisor in Mystic, Connecticut

Last Updated - May 13, 2024

Mystic has 2 WiserAdvisor vetted Financial Planners and Advisors on the online list below for you to choose from. These financial advisors in Mystic, Connecticut have an average of 27 years of experience.

NOTE: The list of vetted financial advisors in Mystic, Connecticut mentioned below does not include all the advisors in our network due to their compliance listing restrictions. More vetted advisors may be available when you use our free match service to compare financial advisors near you in Mystic, Connecticut.

Qualified Financial Advisors in Mystic, Connecticut

Financial Advisor Experience AUM Minimum Assets Fee Structure
Robert Henderson
34 Water Street,
Mystic, CT 06355
15 Years Not Specified $100,000 Fee-Only
Ronald Newton
1485 South County Trail,,
Suite 101,
East Greenwich, RI 02818
40 Years Not Specified Not Specified Fee-Based

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Information on Qualified Financial Advisors in Mystic, Connecticut

Qualifications CRD# 5089860
Firm CRD# 155422
Series 63, 66

Compensation/Fee Fee-Only, Hourly, Flat Fee, Based on Assets

Office Location 34 Water Street,
Phone Number 860-245-5078

Robert Henderson, CFP® is the President and Advisor at LWM. Prior to founding the firm, Mr. Henderson was a financial advisor with a nationally recognized brokerage firm. His previous experience included numerous senior corporate financial positions, including Director of Finance and Accounting and Controller positions. Mr. Henderson holds a BS degree in Accounting from Bentley University, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional designation, earned the Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS) designation from the College for Financial Planning, and is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA).

About Lansdowne Wealth Management, LLC

Lansdowne Wealth Management, LLC

Lansdowne Wealth Management, LLC ("LWM") is an fiduciary, fee-only CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional firm based in Mystic, CT. Our clients depend on us to provide personalized, thoughtful service and advice. As a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor, we present you with objective, independent guidance for achieving your goals. Successful individuals and families in southeastern Connecticut, Rhode Island and throughout the United States rely on us to guide the way so they can be confident in their futures. Our goal is to provide our clients with the most complete Asset Management and Financial Planning services available. From the very beginning, our objective is to provide individual investors with the same level of sophisticated management as institutional investors. We are proud to say that the services our clients receive rival that of large institutions. In addition to providing portfolio management services, we also provide our clients with the opportunity to access our comprehensive Fee-Only Financial Planning and Wealth Management services.

Advisory Services Provided:

Financial Planning, Portfolio Management, Retirement Planning, 401K Rollovers, Wealth Management, Money Management, Risk Management, Financial Advice & Consulting, Financial Planning for Individuals, Investment Advice & Management

Qualifications CRD# 1276178
Firm CRD# 104510
Series 66

Compensation/Fee Fee-Based

Office Location 1485 South County Trail,,
Suite 101,
East Greenwich,
Phone Number 401-262-4986

Throughout my career I have worked with many clients and recognize the benefits that they can derive from working with a trusted and knowledgeable financial advisor. I strive to make each interaction informative and enjoyable and appreciate the opportunity to work with my clients to help them achieve their financial objectives. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, skiing, golfing, boating, hiking and working out.

About Edelman Financial Engines, LLC

Edelman Financial Engines, LLC

Since 1986, Edelman Financial Engines has been committed to always acting in the best interest of our clients. We were founded on the belief that all American investors - not just the wealthy - deserve access to personalized, comprehensive financial planning and investment advice. Today, we are America's top independent financial planning and investment advisor, recognized by both InvestmentNews1 and Barron's2, with 180+ planner offices across the country and entrusted by more than 1.1 million clients to manage more than $200 billion in assets. Our unique approach to serving clients combines our advanced methodology and proprietary technology with the attention of a dedicated personal financial planner. Every client's situation and goals are unique, and the powerful fusion of high-tech and high-touch allows Edelman Financial Engines to deliver the personal plan and financial confidence that everyone deserves. 1Ranking and status for 2017. For independence methodology and ranking, see InvestmentNews Center (; 2The Top 40 Independent Advisory Firm Ranking issued by Barron's is qualitative and quantitative, including assets managed, the size and experience of teams, and the regulatory records of the advisers and firms. Firms elect to participate, but do not pay to be included in the ranking. Investor returns/experience are not considered. 2018 ranking refers to Edelman Financial Services (EFS), which combined its advisory business in its entirety with Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. (FEA) in November 2018. For the same survey, FEA received a precombination ranking of twelfth.

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Top Financial Advisor Firms in Mystic, Connecticut (Ranked by AUM)

Firm Name No. of Advisors No. of Clients AUM Fee Structure
28 Cottrell St., Mystic, CT 6355
3 348 $106,448,216
A Percentage of AUM

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When choosing a financial advisor in Connecticut, it is important to look for certain credentials that demonstrate their expertise and credibility. Look for advisors who hold recognized certifications such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), or Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC). These designations indicate that the advisor has met rigorous education, experience, and ethical standards. Additionally, check if the advisor is registered with a reputable regulatory body such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). For further information, you can refer to our guide on how to use BrokerCheck to evaluate a financial advisors credentials.

    When choosing the right financial advisor, consider your specific financial needs, conduct thorough background checks, check for relevant credentials, and research their fee structures. By following these steps, you can make a more informed choice when selecting a financial advisor who meets your specific needs and demonstrates the necessary credentials and ethical standards. For more information, refer to this guide on choosing the best financial advisor in Connecticut.

    How often you should meet with your financial advisor may depend on your specific financial situation and goals. For complex finances, you may need to meet with your financial advisor weekly or monthly, while for those with regular income and simpler investments, quarterly or annual meetings may be enough. Your advisor can assist in determining the suitable meeting frequency based on your circumstances. Read on to learn more about how often you should meet with your advisor.

    To evaluate the performance of your financial advisor in Connecticut, you should start by assessing the progress of your financial goals and whether the advisor's recommendations align with your objectives. Compare your investment portfolio's performance to relevant market benchmarks, and evaluate advisor fees for reasonableness and transparency. Additionally, evaluate your advisor's communication and trustworthiness by assessing their ability to keep you informed, address concerns, and consider your overall satisfaction with their guidance. To learn more about evaluating your financial advisor, explore this guide on the things you should know to assess your financial advisor's work.

    You can expect financial advisors in Connecticut to offer a wide range of financial services including retirement planning, investment management, wealth management, estate planning, and more. By understanding your individual goals and financial situation, they can assist you in crafting a personalized financial plan and provide ongoing support as your needs evolve. By clicking on the "View full profile" button of any vetted financial advisor listed on our Connecticut directory, you can access detailed information about their services, fees, credentials, and more.

    There are multiple benefits to hiring a financial advisor in Connecticut. As a client, you can gain some peace of mind knowing you're making informed financial decisions due to your advisor's knowledge and years of relevant experience working with Connecticut residents. A financial advisor can also potentially minimize investment risks and lead to more returns on your investments. Additionally, an advisor will review your investments regularly and provide ongoing support to help you stay on track toward your financial goals. To learn more, read The Benefits Of Working With A Financial Advisor.